
magneCALM is a magnesium product

One of the main reasons Dr. Marlisa Hurt of pHresh Functional Nutrition created magneCALM magnesium product is because most Americans are deficient in Magnesium.

Utilizing the only form of magnesium that gets into the brain, magneCALM replenishes key B-vitamin family nutrients along with THE anti-stress mineral to optimize vitality & empower stress-resilience.

Empowering you with a practical tool to self-regulate your oxidative stress load---pHresh Functional Nutrition: The Science of Prevention introduces magneCALM---the very first nutraceutical product to combine all of the most critical B-Vitamin Family Nutrients that optimize magnesium utilization throughout all systems of the body, with Magtein---the ONLY form of magnesium that is clinically-proven to cross the Blood-Brain-Barrier, reversing short term memory loss in as little as 6 weeks of consistent daily use. Magtein has also been shown to support:

Increased Productivity/Improved Executive Function/Working & Episodic Memory/Focus/Sense of Calm & Stress Relief/Positive Mood/Cognition/Sleep Quality/Synaptic Number & Function/Optimal Cellular Energy Production.

MagneCALM - Magnesium

This magnesium based product is Doctor-Formulated according to guidelines for Functional & Nutritional Medicine Practices.

4 Kosher veggie caps of MagneCALM per day provide 2 grams per day of magnesium L-threonate from Magtein, compounded with all of the critical B-Vitamin nutrients which are needed as essential cofactors for magnesium to be able to ignite over 300 reactions in the body.

Without these critical nutrients on board, our bodies can not produce energy in the mitochondria, have stable blood sugar or healthy hormone balance, burn fat, build muscle, recover from physical activity without discomfort, get deep restorative sleep and awake with vigor & vitality for a new day ahead. 

93% of people are deficient in the ONE essential mineral that counteracts STRESS: magnesium. By regulating the mitochondria energy output in every organ throughout our entire bodies, magnesium jumpstarts over 300 energy-producing enzyme reactions, so without it, we simply don't have a chance at living at our peak potential to function. In addition, when the adrenaline is flaring when we are enduring through seasons of emotional stress and hard work, our demand for magnesium doubles or triples in response to our daily exposures to these big stressors.

In men, the brain has the highest concentration of mitochondrial energy-producing cells, so it's vital to have a source of magnesium that actually GETS INTO the brain, in order to be able to operate at peak function. Because the brain governs and regulates all of other systems of the body to function at their peak and continually uses magnesium and B Vitamins to stabilize and provide balance in all systems, reducing oxidative stress in the brain is absolutely foundational for total body health.

Magnesium can not work alone, it requires cofactor nutrients to catalyze energy and to continually bring balance back for homeostasis while we rest & repair to prepare for another new day. Without these critical nutrients, we can become intolerant to physical activity, lose sex drive, have difficulty digesting food properly, feel like we need to nap after meals, and stay cycling between tired and exhausted---yet too overstimulated to access deep, restorative sleep. This feeling comes from not producing melatonin in our brains. Without this synergy of ingredients, we also can not produce enough serotonin in the gut for positive mental outlook to be possible.

magneCALM provides the following B-Vitamin Family Nutrients to synergize magnesium activity:

Inositol is a powerful mediator of adrenaline which helps to prevent stress-related messages from down regulating brain function, which otherwise may result in hormone imbalances from excessive stressors. Inositol has the ability to activate calming neurotransmitters and to enhance the activity of neurotransmitters to reestablish equilibrium & resilience to daily stressors. Inositol works with magnesium to affect energy and serotonin receptors, supporting learning acceleration, having a brighter outlook on life, and rebalancing from Estrogen-dominance syndromes which sabotage fertility and fat-burning metabolism.

Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate is the activated form of Vitamin B6

Unlike the inactive form of B6, The P-5-P form of B6 supports the brain in its natural capacity to produce GABA, our #1 calming inhibitory neurotransmitter.

P-5-P also plays a critical role in gallbladder & liver health by optimizing digestion and fatty-acid metabolism, by suspending bile salts in the liver. Without adequate active B6 in the P-5-P forms, we cannot absorb Vitamins A, D, E or K, critical fat-soluble nutrients for immune function, high-functioning metabolism, optimal fertility and favorable genetic expression.

The down slope into Fatty Liver Disease starts out with the gallbladder becoming congested and then dysfunctional, the thyroid begins to struggle and metabolic downshifting slowly creeps in, cholesterol begins to spill over into the blood as oxidized fats accumulate in the liver. When Fatty Liver Disease begins, the fat-burning metabolism becomes suppressed and resistant to weight loss, and insulin resistance takes with a vengeance. This vicious cycle can be avoided if there are enough nutrients to cover the total body oxidative stress load before it has gone on so long. P-5-P and magnesium are also critical for converting thyroid hormones to the most active forms. They also increase our energy and reduce risk factors for autoimmune diseases and hormone problems.

Choline is a critical component of every cell membrane throughout the entire body. Having plenty of Choline ensures optimal energy transfer from one cell to another, as well as, the ability for nutrients to easily flow in to nourish the nucleus of cells, and  waste to not be trapped inside cells. When we don't have healthy cell membranes, our cells continually build up toxic waste on the inside and begin to mutate, spurring on the downward spiral of chronic degenerative diseases. Choline is an essential nutrient to help the cells and the liver to be optimized to flush out toxic accumulations of waste.

Choline is an essential precursor to make acetyl-choline in the brain for optimal IQ. Whether for developing babies, for active brains, and aging brains, when we have plenty of this flowing throughout our bodies, the brain senses the abundance of choline creating a natural effect of stress-resilience, as well as, optimizing things like our reaction time.

Choline, known as "brain food", is abundant in foods we have access to like raw egg yolks and pastured organ meats. Historically, in Asian cultures, women who are pregnant or wanting to become pregnant are encouraged to eat up to 12 eggs per day to get adequate choline. The American Medical Association recommends 550 mg of choline for men and 425 mg per day for women for brain and metabolic health. Eating choline-rich foods or supplementing with choline alongside magnesium provides for better blood sugar stability, healthy hormone balance and sense of calm.

4 capsules of magneCALM contain: Vitamin B6 as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate: 15 mg, Choline as choline bitartrate: 100 mg, Magnesium 145 mg from 2000 mg MagTein, magnesium L-Threonate, Inositol: 125 mg.


For most effective results, take 4 capsules 2 hours before bed, on an empty stomach.

Alternatively, you may take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. If your symptoms of stress are extreme, you may self-regulate and take 2 capsules every 4 hours, beginning at the time you wake up, at least 30-60 minutes after any prescription medications.

As there has been no significant benefit from using more than 4 grams of MagTein per day, it is advised to not exceed 8 capsules total per day. If choosing to take a more therapeutic amount, always use in divided doses, spread consistently throughout the day.

This product is manufactured in an FDA-regulated GMP facility to ensure highest standards of potency and purity and has been ELISA-tested to be certified gluten-free.

This product also uses Kosher veggie capsules and is free of: GMO ingredients, stearates and chemical flow agents, sucrose, sucralose, Grains, Dairy, Soy, Eggs, Corn, Casein, Starch, Oxalates, Lectins, Yeast, Wheat, Artificial Colors, Flavors or Sweeteners.


MagTein is a trademark of Magceutics, Inc and is distributed exclusively by AIDP, Inc.

Please consult your medical doctor for any potential contraindications for use along with any prescription drugs.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease.

All health & hygiene products can not be returned to inventory to be resold, and are not returnable.

Because all sales are final, please be sure of your purchase before completing check out.

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