Fascinating Health Benefits of Methylene Blue


Methylene Blue (Methylthioninium Chloride) is a blue dye that was first synthesized by Heinrich Caro.

It was given the name "magic bullet" by German nobel laureate Paul Ehrlich, as a from its short form - MB.

Methylene Blue has wide ranging uses. Some of the most popular uses being as a dye for staining. for testing the purity of milk, in labs for staining cells, for testing water purity, etc.

Methylene Blue was discovered in Germany in the late 1860 and was used as a textile dye, thereafter it was successfully used to treat malaria in humans. 

In the early 20th century, psychiatrists used Methylene Blue in the schizophrenia therapy.

Paul Ehrlich 1915

Today it is studied and used as a remedy for cognitive impairment, neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, enhancer of memory, anti-aging, energy enhancer. All these conditions share a common problem related to mitochondrial disfunction; your brain's neurons rely almost entirely on mitochondria-derived energy. Failure of mitochondrial function can affect the rest of your body, but it's particularly detrimental to your brain. 

This is where Methylene Blue steps in as one of the most important anti-aging and neurological disease preventing nootropics we have available today.

As a nootropic, Methylene Blue quickly crosses the blood-brain barrier. It improves mitochondrial efficiency and respiration, acts as an antioxidant, and increases brain cell lifespan resulting in improved memory and mood. 

Methylene Blue has since been used to treat dementia, malaria, methemoglobinemia, urinary tract infections, cyanide and carbon monoxide poisoning. 

High Purity Dietary Supplement for Brain Function & Cognitive Health

Methylene Blue - USP-grade
Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue 1% Compass Laboratory | USP-Grade Methylthioninium Chloride Liquid | High Purity Dietary Supplement for Brain Function & Cognitive Health | No Formaldehyde (1) 50ml Glass Dropper Bottle

Methylene Blue
  • Keep Your Mental Faculties Sharp - Our specially-formulated methylene blue for humans may help boost the energy production capabilities of mitochondria and promote blood and oxygen flow to the brain.
  • Protect Your Memory - This pharmaceutical grade methylene blue is packed with antioxidants that may help prevent cellular degeneration and protect the brain against age-related cognitive decline.
  • Manage BMS Symptoms Effectively - The analgesic properties of our upgraded liquid methylene blue may help alleviate those painful and uncomfortable symptoms brought by Burning Mouth Syndrome.
  • Safe & Convenient Packaging - This methylene blue pharmaceutical grade comes in easy dispense glass bottles. This helps to preserve its potency which can be negatively affected by plastic containers.
  • Purity & Potency In Every Drop - Our supplement contains only high purity, USP-grade methylene blue and is independently tested. It has no formaldehyde and meets the standards of the United States Pharmacopeia.

No more brain fog, low energy & drive.

You're only few drops away from entering most enhanced mental and physical state. Ever.

Meet Methylene Blue Discovered in 1876 as a textile "dye" at first, it didn't took long to notice its health elevating effects.

Never heard about it?

PubMed is literally packed with over 200+ studies of Methylene Blue benefits:

It has shown to improve:

  • Mood. Feel sustainable uplift in mood, thanks to MB serotonin and dopamine increasing properties.
  • Focus. Improved blood circulation and enhanced oxygen absorption in your brain sharpens your focus, thought processing, and decision-making abilities.
  • Memory. Gain amplified capacity to recall and store information.
  • Energy. By improving mitochondrial energy production and ATP, MB delivers noticeable increase in energy. Breeze through physical challenges and rise above your baseline energy levels.
  • Anti-oxidant. Methylene Blue functions as a robust antioxidant, battling free radicals and safeguarding your cells from oxidative damage.
  • Anti-Aging. MB has the unique ability to delay the aging of your skin by increasing cell longevity, protecting against UV exposure, and accelerating the wound healing process."

Methylene Blue To Our Rescue

Methylene Blue can act as:

  • Neurotransmitters: Methylene Blue inhibits monoamine oxidase and acetylcholinesterase activity increasing the levels of acetylcholine and catecholamines; it boost serotonin and norepinephrine.
  • Mitochondrial Energy: Methylene Blue assists brain cell respiration by increasing oxygen. It donates electrons to the electron transport chain within mitochondria. Methylene Blue provides this fuel without you having to eat. Increasing cellular energy positively affects mood, memory, and cognition. 
  • Neuroprotectant: Methylene Blue is a potent antioxidant. Reactive oxygen species are produced inside mitochondria. The first free radical that is formed inside a cell is superoxide. Methylene Blue will bind to superoxide and reduce it to water. It stops the oxidative cascade at its very beginning before it gets a chance to do damage. 

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Methylene Blue Health Benefits

Methylene Blue boosts brain health and function in several ways. But two in particular stand out:

  • Methylene Blue improves memory. Unlike other nootropics which often work by increasing neurotransmitter synthesis and neural signaling, MB improves memory by increasing brain cell respiration and how the brain cell utilizes oxygen. It accepts electrons from NADH and transfers them to cytochrome. Methylene Blue also stimulates glucose metabolism. Taken together NADH and Methylene Blue increase CMRO2 and glucose uptake and this translates to MB elevating oxygen consumption which helps glucose increase ATP production (Energy). By increasing ATP production, MB provides more cellular energy for better overall brain function including cognition, mood and memory. 
  • Methylene Blue is an antioxidant. MB has a unique mechanism of action that is fundamentally different from traditional antioxidant. During cellular respiration, the first free radical formed inside a cell is superoxide. Methylene Blue binds to superoxide and reduces it to water. It stops the oxidative cascade at its very beginning, before it gets a chance to do damage. So think of Methylene Blue as having a unique dual property. First, if increases cellular energy production which normally leads to oxidative stress; and second, it eliminates this oxidative stress, behaving as a metabolic enhancer and an antioxidant. 
  • Methylene Blue can rescue brain cell mitochondria from the damaging effects of toxins; for ex. those responsible for Parkinson, Alzheimer. MB donates electrons in the electron transport chain broken by toxins. Essentially bypassing the broken transport chain with donated electrons as an alternative electron carrier. 
  • Methylene Blue also counters cerebral ischemia reperfusion damage (the tissue damages caused when blood supply returns to tissue after a lack of oxygen) as can occur with Traumatic Brain Injury. MB accomplishes this by rerouting mitochondrial electron transfer. This means that Methylene Blue dramatically counters the behavioral, neurochemical, and neuropathological impairment found in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Methylene Blue boosts acetylcholine: Methylene Blue is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor with a preference for muscarinic acetylcholine receptors making acetylcholine more available in your brain. 
  • Methylene Blue is an antidepressant: Methylene Blue is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). It inhibits MAO-A more than MAO-B, but inhibits both at large doses. One study in 1987 showed that 15 mg per day of Methylene Blue was a potent antidepressant in those with severe depression. Another study with 31 bipolar disorder patients compared 300 mg per day of Methylene Blue with 15 mg per day. The patients were also on lithium treatment. They study showed that the 300 mg does of Methylene Blue was a "useful addition to lithium in the long-term treatment of manic-depressive psychosis" and patients were significantly less depressed. 
  • Methylene Blue resists Alzheimer's Disease: Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia are associated with a buildup of the protein Tau. Clinical trials show that Methylene Blue inhibits Tau formation. It is therefore under consideration as a treatment for Alzheimer's. Methylene Blue has an inhibitory action on the cGMP pathway, and affects other molecular events closely related to the progression of Alzheimer's. Methylene Blue boosts neuron resistance to the formation of amyloids plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. It helps repair impairments in mitochondrial function and cellular metabolism. Research also shows that cholinergic, serotonergic and glutamatergic systems all play important roles in the development of Alzheimer's and other cognitive disorders. Methylene Blue provides beneficial effects in mediating these pathways. This is particularly significant because most existing treatments for Alzheimer's can only prevent the disease before it is diagnosed. But Methylene Blue shows promise in delaying the effects of Alzheimer's and dementia after being diagnosed. 
  • Methylene Blue is an effective anti-aging nootropic. MB increase mitochondrial complex IV by 30%, enhances cellular oxygen consumption by 37-70%, increases heme synthesis, and reverses premature senescence caused by H2O2 or Cadmium. Methylene Blue is considered a redox agent, meaning it cycles between oxidized and reduced forms. This cycling helps block oxidants production in brain mitochondria. Mitochondrial complex IV is the last enzyme in the respiratory electron transport chain of mitochondria, the last step in transport, DNA synthesis and electron transport. Heme synthesis begins in mitochondria. Every cell requires heme to function properly. Senescence or biological aging is the gradual deterioration of cellular function and is caused by telomere shortening that triggers DNA damages in response to reactive oxygen species, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), cadmium and order toxins. Methylene Blue helps prevent premature senescence or premature cell death. 
Methylene Blue Book

The Science And Benefits Of Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue How Does It Feel?

  • Methylene Blue as a nootropic feels different than any other supplement you've ever tried.
  • When reading or studying, once you're done, you should feel like you fully understand the subject material.
  • You'll be able to use what you learned in the future. 
  • Methylene Blue seems to facilitate a full understanding of something on the first try.
  • Many neurohackers report the biggest nootropic effect they experience with Methylene Blue is "after learning something new". 
  • You take in the information and it's like your brain sorts through the material, then stores it in a form you can easily access later. 
  • Methylene Blue has this uncanny ability to rewire your brain to forget about any negative associations you have of a situation. And only retains the positive aspects of that memory. 
  • Some report that Methylene Blue makes you "feel young again". It eliminates social anxiety, you'll feel focused and more confident. 
  • Workouts seem easier because you have more energy, your mitochondria are energized and you find that recovery from workouts is easier.
  • Methylene Blue helps eliminate stress, so you have more energy in any situation with a relaxed state of mind.
  • It significantly improve sleep patterns.
  • Methylene Blue is also particularly useful for students and executives who want to boost cognition, learning and memory.

Methylene Blue Side Effects

  • Methylene Blue shows a hormetic dose-response, with opposite effects at low and high doses.
  • Lower doses of Methylene Blue work well as a nootropic with all advantages mentioned here. 
  • High doses do not work as nootropic, because MB can potentially "steal" electrons aways from the electron transport chain, disrupting the redox balance and acting as a pro-oxidant (instead of an antioxidant) VERY IMPORTANT do not turn MB from an exceptional drug into a harmful product!!!
  • Adverse effects pf Methylene Blue may also come from chemical impurities like arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, mercury and lead. At low doses, these contaminates are not that big of a problem, but higher doses will result in the accumulation of these toxins in your cells. 
  • Side effects with Methylene Blue are rare when doses are about 0.5 mg/kg
  • Side effects can include stomach pain, chest pain, dizziness, headache, sweating, confusion, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, accelerated heartbeat, tremor, skin turning blue, urine turning blue or green, reduction of red blood cells, or jaundice (only reported in infants). 
  • If you are using other antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications that affect serotonin, you should NOT use Methylene Blue, because using Methylene Blue with one of these medications could cause Serotonin Syndrome. Drug interacting with MB may be SSRI's and MAOI's such as citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline, zimelidine, bupropion, buspirone, clomipramine, mirtazapine and venlafaxine. 
  • Do not use Methylene Blue if you are pregnant or breast-feeding
  • Methylene Blue donates electrons in the electron transport chain in your mitochondria. So experienced neurohackers suggest avoiding CoQ-10 or idebenone when using MB because it seems to make Methylene Blue much less effective. 


  • Methylene Blue is an extraordinary and very potent remedy known today for the therapy of neurodegenerative  diseases (Alzheimer & Parkinson), improvement of aging cognition ailments, memory boost, best ever known antioxidant, even cancer therapy. MB's intrinsic properties in low dosage make MB one of the best Neurotransmitter, Neuroprotective agent, Antioxidant, Anti-Aging Agent. 
  • Methylene Blue improves memory increasing brain cell respiration, improving significantly the brain cells oxygen usage and glucose metabolism. By increasing ATP production in brain mitochondria cells, MB provides more cellular energy for better overall brain function including cognition, mood and memory.
  • Methylene Blue can rescue brain cells' mitochondria from the damaging effect of toxins responsible for Parkinson & Alzheimer. 
  • Methylene Blue countered cerebral ischemia reperfusion damage which can occur with traumatic brain injury and stroke. 
  • Methylene Blue is the best antioxidant binding to superoxide and reducing it to water; It stops the oxidative cascade at its very beginning
  • Methylene Blue boosts acetylcholine resulting in better cognition functions of the brain, more focus, alertness, better learning, and improved memory
  • Methylene Blue is the most potent antidepressant; increasing mitochondrial complex IV by 30%, enhances cellular oxygen consumption by 37-70%, increase heme synthesis, and reverses premature senescence caused by H2O2 or Cadmium. The last step in synthesizing ATP is mitochondrial complex IV, your cellular and mitochondrial source of energy; MB helps prevent premature senescence or premature cell death. If also furnish enough Heme to the cells avoiding cellular mutation. 
  • In low dosage (0.5 mg/Kilo Body weight MB solution (1-3%) works wonders; We offer a super-purified MB mixed with DMSO ultra-pure which shows amazing health benefits.